Something very exciting happened!!!
The NY Times chose a story I wrote to run online in Tiny Love Stories on July 25, 2023. It also appeared in the print version of the NY Times on Sunday, July 30, 2023 next to the Modern Love column in the Sunday Styles section.
I'm super excited for you to read it! It's a tiny (100 word) love story about my parents.

I grew up loving writing and art. In my thirties, I graduated from
Ohio State University and in my sixties published my first book
Happiness Junkie followed by Married to a Vegan. My newest book Home Coming is a poetic romp into the pandemic, politics, and personal hurricanes. Who doesn’t love a good poetic romp?
People describe my writing as honest, insightful, and humorous.
It can tug on your heart and make you laugh at the same time.
My current project, The Storyteller – Family Lore Lives On,
captures the stories once kept by my mother, now gone.
A series of essays reveal the humanity and humor of a family's
sometimes storied past, likely not that different from your own.
I believe as long as our stories continue being told, we live on.